Future 2030, Who Run The World - Girls!

ARTICLES | Aug 11, 2022
Future 2030, Who Run The World - Girls!

Writer: Nuttawut Kulkaew

Editor: Wittaya Wonglor


“Gender” has long set roles and duties in society, influencing pay, advancement, and welfare.


But research shows that the world will soon have more female leaders. Gender equality is just one element. Studies show that female leaders can lead teams and organizations at least as well as men. Future demographic trends and social conditions will also give women more choice and freedom in how they live and work.


1. Gender equality

Gender equality has become a core societal value. Promoting opportunities for people of all genders is also a UN sustainable development goal for 2030. In countries such as Sweden, Finland, and Australia, studies are being conducted to prepare for more balance in corporate leadership. By 2030, organizations worldwide will likely have more female leaders, especially in Oceania, where women make up 30% of C-suite leaders.


2. Business turnover

Research has shown that having women in C-level roles is positively correlated with organizational performance. When women make up 30% of the board, profit is 15% higher. There is also research showing that having at least one female executive on the board reduces a business's risk of bankruptcy by 20%.


3. Performance, decision making, and teamwork

Research has found that having female executives promotes a more holistic view. Organizations set long-term goals and make decisions that affect their sustainability in terms of economy, society, management, and environment. It also encourages the organization to recognize the importance of gender equality and diversity. Several studies have shown that organizational performance improves under women leaders, with open thinking and networking of partnerships and collaborations, transparency in administration environmental management, and relationship management.


4. Population and behavior trends

The world is moving towards an aging society with fewer births and marriages. Many women no longer view being a housewife as a goal in life. Women are more outgoing. especially in developing countries without adequate state welfare. Women in those countries are choosing STEM subjects to support themselves and their families.



Implications for the future:

- Products, services, and the economy for women (SHEconomy) will target specific customers and give more importance to meeting the needs of women's lives and work.

- Gender equality will become a fundamental ethical standard and not a limitation on opportunities in society.

- Choices are not limited to any gender but are based on abilities. Organizations or institutions that still have gender restrictions will become unpopular or may be forced by society to achieve equality.




- http://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-bsdc/BSDC_Behind-Every-Gobal-Goal.pdfhttp://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-bsdc/BSDC_Behind-Every-Gobal-Goal.pdf

- https://www.catalyst.org/research/women-in-the-workforce-global/

- https://www.catalyst.org/research/women-in-management/#:~:text=Globally%2C%20the%20Share%20of%20Women%20in%20Senior%20Management%20Is%20Increasing%20Incrementally&text=In%202021%2C%20the%20proportion%20of,management%20role%20as%20of%202021.

- https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/mckinsey/featured%20insights/gender%20equality/the%20future%20of%20women%20at%20work%20transitions%20in%20the%20age%20of%20automation/mgi-the-future-of-women-at-work-exec-summary-july-2019.pdf

- https://hr.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/workplace-4-0/diversity-and-inclusion/dell-aims-to-have-40-of-its-global-people-leaders-as-women-by-2030/82003677

- https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/industry/financial-services/women-in-leadership-roles.html

- https://www.morganstanley.com/ideas/womens-impact-on-the-economy

- https://time.com/6116802/women-business-school-record/

- https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/05/close-gender-gap-venture-capital/



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