Social Media and Next Tell Us About Our Future of Well-being

ARTICLES | Jul 10, 2021
Social Media and Next Tell Us About Our Future of Well-being

Social media has become a permanent part of living.

Research has found that Facebook inspires extroverts and goal-setting users to action, giving them long-term happiness and greater purpose to live (eudaimonic happiness). The number of likes for pictures is a mark of success.

The statistical evidence also suggests that extroverts are the heaviest users. These findings help answer marketers' doubts about what content to put online. When we use social media platforms, whether Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Club House, we are carried along by the community. Whatever our true self, our happiness will change and is ultimately driven by the environment in which we are directed by society.

Important implications for the future:

-The younger generation born with social media see their online presence as an indicator of happiness and well-being.

-The communication style in the modern world that emphasizes informal communication will change the message appearing in online searches from elegant written language to spoken language that is easy to understand.

- What should be considered in the future is whether the next generation will need to make their own decisions. If social media is using algorithms to guide you, help you think, and motivate you, as marketers dictate, this will eventually lead to impaired thinking and loss of self-determination.

-In the future, there may be a new career to help the next generation make their own decisions or maybe a consultant to stop social media.

Credit: DBS Interactive (2021) Voice Search Statistics and Emerging Trends, Gerson, J. et al. (2016) Subjective well-being and social media use, Guy, I. (2018) The Characteristics of Voice Search


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